Be discriminating in your evaluation process and consider seriously our demonstrated commitment to QUALITY.
Altus Science gains accreditation or certification when an outside authority that has been qualified to review our processes and procedures evaluates us against an internationally developed series of strict requirements. These requirements span from making certain we maintain the proper physical facilities to challenging the calculations we use in our statistical evaluations.
Altus Science customers recognise that the products and services we provide them are among the very best in the world. Our certifications and accreditations are just one facet of what distinguishes us as an elite manufacturer of CRMs. Very few manufacturer’s can document (through the accreditation process) the same rigorous quality programs we have in place, but those programs are what allow Altus Science to provide customers with the highest quality products possible, and to allow for international acceptance of Altus Science products by laboratory accrediting bodies.
In the process of selecting a provider of CRMs, we understand that using their products and services means you will be integrating their quality levels into your laboratory processes as well.