GE Sievers 900 Standards & Consumables

Altus Science GE Sievers 900 Standards calibration kit

Altus Science manufacture GE Sievers 900 Standards, as well as suppyling independent CRMs for all Sievers® brand TOC analysers, as well as consumables, certified clean vials and low TOC Vials.

Altus Science manufacture a full range of TOC Calibration, Verification, Validation & System Suitability Kits accredited to ISO 17025 & ISO Guide 34.

For more information, please visit our Products Page or Contact Us.

ISO 17025

Covering the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, ensure that a company’s laboratory tests are performed correctly, and that assurance of product quality are appropriate and defensible.

All aspects of raw material, in-process and final product verification are covered by this accreditation. Employee education and training is reflected throughout all policies. Procedures and records, are carefully examined and must support their general and specific quality claims.

It certifies the company’s ability to demonstrate the robustness of their quality program through comprehensive and accurate product testing.

ISO Guide 34

Our ISO Guide 34:2009 accreditation is targeted specifically at Certified Reference Material (CRM) manufacturers.

For a manufacturer to become ISO Guide 34 accredited, the policies and processes employed to design, manufacture and certify reference materials must be validated and proven to be accurate and robust. ISO Guide 34 includes explicit requirements for Request, Tender and Contract reviews, Production Planning and Control, Material handling and storage, Material processing, Metrological traceability and the assessment of homogeneity and stability.

ISO Guide 34 enables Altus Science to specify and include a shelf life period on the accredited Certificates of Analysis.